Friday, August 20, 2010

Doctor, Goodwill, More Packing and some Winston

In which our heroine is still packing.
Saw my doctor today.  Blood pressure 122/75.  Pulse 82, blood drawn for cholesterol and vitamin D.  I continue to have problems with my back and she wrote me a new prescription for physical therapy when I get to Oregon.  In the mean time, I will have some gentle exercises, especially swimming, after I get to Omaha.  I made my next appointment for when I am back in Nebraska for Thanksgiving with the family.  OK, and the last Colorado game.

Friend of a friend was nice enough to take all my extra stuff from garage sale to Goodwill.  Actually pulled out some things that didn't sell. My yoga mat, a metal basket I like for silverware, another willow basket.  Also sent some things that should have made it to the sale, but got overlooked.

Spending this eve packing up paintings and prints.  Movers coming on Tuesday to take remaining things.

Am enjoying Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill on Kindle for Blackberry. (Free App!)  Good choice for an e-reader because it is written in such little bursts.

Churchill has always been one of my fave in history and when I was 13 or so I did a passable imitation for him.  I'm sure you can imagine how popular this made me with the other 13 year olds.  I was a very odd little girl.  And teenager.  So weird in college.  Seminary, I seemed to fit in pretty well.

I've got a lot of gems bookmarked from this, but here is one for today. "In my behalf you cannot deal with the most serious things in the world unless you also understand the most amusing."


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